Re: NFS packet blocking (Was Mouse EXPLOIT info...)

Bennett Todd (
Mon, 23 Jan 1995 08:25:40 -0500 (EST)

>> >> Note that 4.4bsd also supports NFS over IP/tcp (that is BSDI, NetBSD,
>> >> FreeBSD, and Linix) which [imop] are a far more complete and reliable
>> >> OS's then Solaris 2.
>As for the other UNIX's you mention - in my experience - the BSD's based on the
>NET/2 code are - at best - as stable as Solaris 1.

Huh. In my experience, BSDI is both the solidest (i.e. most free of bugs)
and most secure Unix I've ever seen, in all my life. It's enormously more
stable and secure than any OS Sun has shipped since 3.5, and somewhat better
even than that.

>As for Linux, who knows.  Rumour has it that its networking originated from
>a system using two tin cans and a piece of string :-)

It's networking looks pretty solid these days. I'd guess that Linux is the
only other OS that stands a chance of competing with BSDI, just because of
the size of its developer community. While the other BSD derivatives are no
doubt fine efforts, and certainly enrich the software world, they seem to
lag behind Linux; the only team of a handful of programmers that could
out-program the entire Linux development community is already taken (they're
at BSDI).

Just another opinion. But note that BSDI seems to be the platform of choice
for security-critical applications like firewalls.
